Fresh off the heels of their critically acclaimed debut, Telling Truths, Breaking Ties, Millie Manders and The Shutup are gearing up to release their...
The theatrical powerhouse MOTIONLESS IN WHITE has just dropped the dates for their much-anticipated 2025 headline tour across the UK and mainland Europe.
Known for their riff-heavy, lyrically furious music that consistently bursts out of the confines of one genre, the Manchester quartet Witch Fever have announced...
Brighton based Electronic Post-Hardcore duo fakeyourdeath have today announced details of their forthcoming debut EP ‘null/void’. The EP which will feature recent singles ‘consume’ and ‘humanity’ will...
The Far Side' shows another side of VENDED that hasn’t been seen before. The focus of this song was pushing our boundaries and abilities to the limit. 'The...
Last autumn saw CREEPER amplify the scope of their blackened tapestry of sounds as their latest album ‘SANGUIVORE’ demonically danced across an even broader array of influences. Taking...