TIGRESS reveal their twisted animated video for galvanising new track ‘CHOKE’ (released via Humble Angel Records). Recorded and produced at BLACK BAY STUDIO by...
Cardiff, Wales’ bubblegum-punk cult heroes HELEN LOVE are delighted to announce that their ninth studio album Power On will be released on 13th November...
Hot on the heels of a debut DJ set at Liverpool M&S Bank Arena for Liverpool Digital Music Festival, Liverpool/London ‘virtual hardcore’ collective TOKKY...
BLOOD RED SHOES (Brighton Alt-Rock duo: Laura-Mary Carter & Steven Ansell) announce their first ever live-stream gig, which will be broadcast live to fans...
The song debuts alongside a video that was co-directed by Mark Seliger and Tom’s daughter Adria Petty. The video stars emerging actress/dancer Casimere Jollette...