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Takedown Festival gets postponed until 2025

After careful consideration, the organisers of Takedown Festival regret to announce the postponement of this year’s festival which was due to take place at Portsmouth Guildhall on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April.


After careful consideration, the organisers of Takedown Festival regret to announce the postponement of this year’s festival which was due to take place at Portsmouth Guildhall on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April.

Building works currently being undertaken at the Grade II listed venue to transform the basement of Portsmouth Guildhall into one of the most innovative creative spaces for young people in the country, have now been extended across the festival dates resulting in the loss of two key areas of the festival site and a reduction in capacity, which combined with challenging trading conditions have sadly left the event unviable for this year.

Takedown Festival will return in 2025 with, it is hoped, much of this year’s line-up carried forward. Further details will be announced soon but in the meantime all ticket holders will be refunded by their point of purchase.   

Takedown Festival Ltd Director and CEO of The Guildhall Trust, Andy Grays said“Like many historic buildings, the building works to the basement of Portsmouth Guildhall have given contractors a few surprises along the way! The main problem being a concrete slab that needs to be drilled for drainage being much deeper than anticipated which has added several weeks to the build schedule. The Base will be one of the most unique creative spaces for young people anywhere in the country once completed, and an incredible asset for Portsmouth, but obviously the unforeseen extension to the works and impact on Takedown Festival will be disappointing for the bands and fans alike”. 

Takedown Festival Ltd and Divergent Festivals Directors, Kai and Sarah Harris said“We know a lot of people are finding things tough at the moment and while we have extended our early bird price initiatives and offered split payment options, as one of the first festivals of the season, we have found this year to be particularly challenging. This combined with the impact of the extended building works has forced us to consider all options and postponement is the only viable option for this year. Takedown Festival has a really loyal following, and we are determined to use the additional lead-time to hit back next year and deliver the event the fans deserve!”         

View the statement from the Takedown Festival website right here: Home – Takedown Festival

Nominated for three prestigious UK Festival awards in 2023, Takedown Festival is the South’s fan and band favourite independent alternative-rock and metal festival. 

Ticket holders will be contacted by their point of purchase.

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