The single follows on from the grit-flecked ‘Club Sabbath’ - a future dancefloor filler which specifically references Baby Strange’s own independent club night of...
Jinjer have finally entered the studio to start working on their highly anticipated 4th album on Napalm Records. Given the working title #JINJER4 by...
A juggernaut of propulsive alt-rock and skyscraping shoegaze, at just 1’44 “Citizen 202” breaks through the sound barrier before jumping to lightspeed in a...
DIY Essex punk duo, THE MEFFS, return with their hard-hitting, honest new single (suitably-named) 'Scum'. In keeping with previous releases, 'Scum' combines socio-political lyrics...
UK festival favourites Skindred have signed a new global four-album deal with Earache Records, with each band member signing the deal in different endangered...