"The Screaming of the Valkyries beckons the brave into a new era of Cradle of Filth misadventure, celebrating melancholic melody, blackened thrash, and apocalyptic...
K÷, a unique collaboration between kindred spirits: Jaz Coleman, Geordie Walker and Peter Hook, have released a brand new video for Giving Up The Ghost, from their K÷93 EP.
Following an incredibly successful whirlwind weekend in Leeds and Hatfield earlier this month, Slam Dunk Festival have revealed the first wave of names for...
On 13th August The Wildhearts release a brand new single 'Sleepaway' to coincide with their appearance at Bloodstock. The uplifting ‘Sleepaway’, the third single...
Punk rock supergroup Fake Names – which includes Brian Baker (Minor Threat, Dag Nasty, Bad Religion), Michael Hampton (S.O.A., Embrace, One Last Wish), Dennis...